Lian Arzbecker

Postdoctoral researcher

Curriculum vitae

lian (at) arzbecker (dot) com | lianarzb (at) buffalo (dot) edu

Motor Speech Disorders Lab

Communicative Disorders and Sciences, University at Buffalo

Lian Arzbecker

Postdoctoral researcher


Lian Arzbecker

Postdoctoral researcher

Curriculum vitae

lian (at) arzbecker (dot) com | lianarzb (at) buffalo (dot) edu

Motor Speech Disorders Lab

Communicative Disorders and Sciences, University at Buffalo


Data visualization with aRzbecker


Hi! I'm Lian, a speech scientist with a keen interest in acoustic analysis, sociolinguistics, and concise communication.

I'm currently a Postdoctoral Associate in the Motor Speech Disorders Lab at the University of Buffalo. This website features my publications, academic CV, and a step-by-step guide to creating figures in R.

Though my formal training is in speech science, what I enjoy most is analyzing and visualizing data with R.

I was introduced to R during my PhD program at Ohio State. Initially, I was the sole R user in my research lab, so I focused on learning the language independently. I quickly grew to appreciate its open framework and ever-expanding repository of packages.

Over the past decade, I've worked with various programs and software—but R remains my preferred language. I genuinely enjoy using it to identify patterns in complex datasets, with the ultimate goal of communicating those patterns with graphics. I am also always eager to help colleagues debug their R code and refine figures, as data visualization is crucial in scientific research.

I hope you find these resources informative and useful.

/liæn ɑɹzbɛkɚ/

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